Policies and Procedures
General School Information
- Attendance and Absences
- Tardy to School
- Student Check-out
- Emergency Cards
- Visitors on Campus
- Medication in Schools
- Transportation
- Walkers, Bikers, and Car Riders
- Deliveries to Students
- Use of Office Telephone
- Classroom Snacks/Treats
Attendance and Absences
Prompt and regular attendance is essential if a student is to realize the many benefits offered in education today. School will begin promptly at 8:25 a.m. each day and will dismiss at 3:31 p.m. for early bus release and at 3:36 p.m. for all others.
A student who has been absent from school must present a note stating the reason for the absence.
Any student missing more than three hours of instruction will be considered absent for the day.
A written, acceptable excuse signed by a parent or guardian must be provided to the office within a two- day period of the student’s return. The note must contain the student’s name, the date the excuse was written, the date or dates the student was absent, the reason for the absence, and the parent’s or guardian’s signature.
Students should bring their excuses to their homeroom teacher upon returning.
By state law, only the following absences will be excused:
- sickness of child
- death of near relative
- religious holiday
- serious illness of parent
- medical appointment
Upon returning from an excused absence, a student has 3 days to make arrangements with their teacher(s) to make up missed work.
Students will receive a zero for each assignment not made up within the specified time frame.
If a student knows in advance that he or she will be absent, arrangements must be made in advance to make up all work that will be missed.
Teachers need at least 24-hour notice before parents can pick up work for a student.
School functions, such as field trips, which require the student to leave campus are not considered absences.
Per school board policy, a student who is unexcused will receive failing grades in all subject areas missed during the period of absence. In order to be considered for promotion, state law requires attendance of 170 days during the school year for a student in grades kindergarten through eight. Therefore, a student can miss only 10 days out of 180 days of school.
Exceptions can be authorized by the principal or supervisor of child welfare. These exceptions include absences due to illness when the child was under direct physician care.
Students who are serving an in-school suspension will be considered present for that day. They will be permitted to complete all work and tests while serving the in-house suspension that same day.
Students must take final exams and nine weeks’ exams at the regularly scheduled time. Students will not be permitted to take exams early except in extenuating circumstances authorized by administration.
Tardy to School
If a student is tardy for school, a note from his or her parent must be presented to the attendance secretary before entering class.
Students should be on campus by 8:25 each day.
• 3rd unexcused tardy of the semester - the parent will be notified by letter
• 5th unexcused tardy of the semester - the parent will be contacted by Administration
• 6th or more unexcused tardy of the semester - possibility of disciplinary action and/or official report will be sent to TASK or Youth Service Bureau in compliance with LA Truancy Law R.S. 17:233
Louisiana Truancy Law R.S. 17:233
A student shall be considered habitually absent or habitually tardy when either condition continues to exist after all reasonable efforts by the principal and the teacher have failed to correct the condition after the fifth unexcused absence or fifth unexcused occurrence of being tardy within any month or if a pattern of five absences a month is established. The student's principal or the principal's designee, with the aid of the teachers, shall file a written report showing dates of absence or tardiness, dates and results of school contacts with the home, and such other information as may be needed by the visiting teacher or supervisor of child welfare and attendance.
Student Check-out
Frequent early dismissals from school severely impede the student’s chances for academic success and disturb a healthy academic environment for others. Several rules must be observed for the sake of safety and courtesy when checking out a student.
- No child may leave school except with a parent or an individual designated on the emergency card.
- No other individual may take the student from school, and a student may not leave alone.
- All checkouts must be processed in person, through the front office.
- Anyone checking out a student must present valid picture identification.
- Students will not be allowed to be checked out unless the office has a current emergency card on file.
Emergency Cards
It is absolutely essential that parents complete and return to school an emergency card for each child.
- Notify the office immediately of any changes to the information found on the emergency card.
- For your child’s protection, please send a copy of the most current custodial records from the court so it may be attached to the card.
Visitors on Campus
All visitors to the school shall display a temporary St. Tammany Parish Public Schools issued visitor ID badge while they are on any St. Tammany Parish Schools Property. Upon entering a school building, visitors shall report to the school office to register and receive a temporary visitor ID badge. Visitor badges must be worn at all times while on St. Tammany Parish Public Schools Property. Visitor badges must be returned to the main office, upon which the Visitors' state-issued ID will be returned. School staff members who observe visitors without proper identification shall notify the schools administration and school resource office immediately.
Medication in Schools
Illness and administration of medication among students is taken very seriously. Proper medical attention and convalescence are important to the long-term health of students, the health of others at school, and student performance. When students must take medication at school, school personnel are very careful to ensure that students are properly treated with medication and that the medication is not given to or used by students for whom the medication was not prescribed.
Parents are encouraged to work with physicians to schedule doses of medication that can be given at home for acute illnesses. Long-term illness and use of medication may require administration during school hours. In accordance with State law enacted to address the administration of all prescription and non-prescription drugs in school, the St. Tammany Parish School Board has formulated the following regulations to be followed when a child must receive medication during school hours.
- No medication, over the counter or prescription, including but not limited to Advil, Tylenol, or cough drops, may be administered to or self-administered by any student without an order from a Louisiana or adjacent state’s licensed physician, dentist, or other authorized healthcare provider, and a letter of request and authorization from the student’s parent or guardian.
- Students who violate the medication policy and are found to be in possession of over the counter medications, prescription medications, or controlled substances not authorized under the STPSS medication policy shall be subject to disciplinary action found under the Uniform Discipline Code.
No student, regardless of method of transportation, is permitted on campus before 7:55am.
*Changes to bus transportation must be approved through the front office. The parent or guardian must write a note with the student's name, student's name they are riding with, the bus number, and a signature with the correct phone number. The note will be sent to the office where it will be approved. The student will pick up their note before boarding the bus.
Walkers, Bikers, and Car Riders
Traffic at Clearwood is very heavy. Everyone is urged to exercise extreme caution during school hours. To help ensure a safer school, please observe the following important rules:
• Car riders should never be brought through the circle drive.
• Drivers are to enter the parking lot, drive to the back, make the circle, and then proceed down to the covered walk area to drop off and pick up students where designated school personnel are located. Students should not be let out of cars in undesignated areas. (NO U-TURNS OR SHORTCUTS ARE PERMITTED IN THE PARKING LOT)
• The speed limit in the parking lot is 5 MPH. (Please exercise extreme caution in the morning due to the volume of employees backing into parking spots and walking through the parking lot.)
• Students must load or unloaded only on the side next to the covered walk (passenger side).
• All students (regardless of mode of transportation) will enter the school through the front of the school.
• Walkers and Bike Riders must be issued a Walker Pass through the front office to be allowed to leave campus.
• Students riding bicycles should park them in the bicycle racks.
• Students walking or riding bikes must cross at the crossing guard and follow the sidewalk.
• At no time are students allowed to walk through the teachers’ parking lot.
• Students are expected to be picked up by 3:50 at the latest.
Per Act 362 ("Safe Path from School Act") of the 2023 Legislative Session, schools who have students are required to:
- Have students remain a safe distance from the pick-up area behind something material or immaterial intended to block passage, as deemed appropriate for a particular school building.
- Students shall wait in the pick-up area and wait for vehicles to come to a complete stop.
- A student being dropped off shall remain in the appropriate passenger restraint until the vehicle in which he/she is a passenger comes to a complete stop.
Deliveries to Students
Use of Office Telephone
- When notified by the child’s teacher, a secretary will phone the parents or another designated adult if a student is sick.
- Students may not use the office phone or personal cell phone to call for forgotten items. (See Use of Cell Phone in Discipline section.)
- Instructional time will not be interrupted to give students messages. If the message is of a personal or emergency nature, the parent may check the child out of school and then return the child to school when the issue has been resolved.
Classroom Snacks/Treats
Instructional Program
- Middle School Grades
- Junior High Grades
- Schedule Changes
- Promotion and Retention
- Grading Policy
- Report Cards
- Parent Conferences
- Textbooks
- Chromebooks
- Expectations for Student Use of Google Meet
- Cafeteria
- Distance Learning
- Library Materials and Fines
- Technology Agreement Overview
- Damage of School Property and Materials
Middle School Grades
Junior High Grades
Grades seven and eight are departmentalized with a seven-period day and are required to take the following subjects:
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Health and Physical Education
- Electives (Quest for Success, Band, Art, Chorus, IBCA, Piano, and Spanish)
For eighth grade students, there are a number of courses they can take for high school credit. These courses may vary yearly depending on the availability of the certificated staff to teach the courses.
- Art (full year) (high school credit)
- Spanish I (full year) (high school credit)
- Chorus, piano, or band
- Quest for Success
******** High school credit classes cannot be changed due to Carnegie unit credit.
Schedule Changes
Promotion and Retention
Grading Policy
Report Cards
Parent Conferences
Parent conferences are strongly encouraged for students in all grades. The most advantageous conference is one in which a team approach is utilized.
- Parents can contact their child’s teacher to set up a conference.
- Teachers must be given at least a two-day notice before a conference.
- If a conference needs to be rescheduled, then please do so in a timely manner.
A computerized system is used to issue books to students.
Student use of textbooks carries with it the basic responsibility of proper use and good care.
- If a book is damaged beyond use or it is not returned, then the student must make payment at the original cost.
- Students are expected to bring their books to class each day.
- Each child is responsible for the books issued to him/her.
All students will receive a Chromebook once the agreement is signed and returned. Chromebook Use Agreements will be posted on the school website. Insurance can be purchased on My Payments Plus. Students are responsible for bringing their Chromebook to and from school and charge them nightly at home. Misuse of Chromebooks may result in disciplinary action.
Expectations for Student Use of Google Meet
If students are quarantined, they are expected to participate in Google Meet and complete daily assignments in Google Classroom. It is their responsibility to log in and participate daily. Participation is only allowed through STPSB accounts; no personal accounts are allowed.
Before Beginning Google Meet Streams:
- Make sure you are sitting at a designated well-lit workspace.
- Workspace should be free of distractions.
- Make sure you have pen and paper to take notes.
- Mute the device by clicking the microphone button.
- Be engaged.
During Virtual Instruction:
- Refrain from eating or drinking due to the use of the electronic device.
- Make sure no music or loud noises can be heard.
- Students should be clearly seen on the device. No other individuals or pets.
- Use of other electronic devices, filming, or posting of Google Meet to social media is prohibited.
- Unmute microphone when the teacher asks you to talk and mute again when done speaking.
- School rules and expectations still apply even though you are not in our school building.
- Do not share your screen unless instructed by the teacher.
- Do not use the chat feature for private and off-topic conversations.
- Uniforms are not required. (Must be school-appropriate attire)
Discipline Policy:
Normal behavior guidelines are extended into the virtual classroom. Discipline policies will be followed for minor and major infractions. A teacher will exit a student from Google Meet due to not following the discipline policy and expectations.
- Warning
- Administrative Detention
- Suspension
- Referrals sent to the office
* More information on the Virtual Instruction Student Conduct and Discipline Policy can be found on the STPSB webpage at https://stpsb.org/districthandbook/DistrictHandbook.pdf
Distance Learning
Library Materials and Fines
The St. Tammany Parish School Board has adopted the following policy regarding overdue library materials and fines:
- At the elementary and junior high levels, five cents per day will be charged for regular overdue circulation materials up to the cost of the materials based on the current list price.
- Payment of damaged or lost materials shall be based on the current list price.
- If any student has overdue materials, then he/she may not check out additional materials from the library until the fine is paid and the materials are returned.
- Library check-out privileges will be restored when students have paid the fines, or returned the materials, or negotiated with the media director and/or principal as to reasons why the fine cannot be paid.
Technology Agreement Overview
The STPSS is pleased to offer students instructional technology and Internet services. To use the STPSS instructional technology and internet services, the Student User Agreement should have been signed at the beginning of the first year the student entered in the school system and is valid until the student leaves the school system. If you wish to receive or review a copy of this agreement and list of student responsibilities, please contact the office at 641-8200.
Damage of School Property and Materials
Student Life
- Lockers
- Activities
- Hall Pass/Leaving Class
- School Uniforms
- Student ID Policy
- Athletic Activities, Dances, Other School Functions
- "No Go List"
- School Events and Athletic Activities
- Dances
- Athletic Eligibility Criteria (Grades Seven and Eight Only)
Lockers are only assigned for:
- Students who need a locker for a medical reason. Doctor’s note must be submitted to the office.
- Students who participate in an afterschool activity that requires equipment storage.
Clearwood Junior High School reserves the right to inspect or search lockers and storage areas at any time for health and safety reasons.
The faculty and staff of Clearwood Junior High School believe firmly in the social development of each child; therefore, many activities are offered beyond the normal school academics. Students should consider joining one or more of these worthwhile activities. Most activities are designed for students in seventh and/or eighth grades only. Some of the activities include the following:
- Student Council (Grades 7-8)
- Cheerleaders (Grades 7-8)
- Athletics (Grades 7-8)
- Honor Society (Grades 7-8)
- Beta Club (Grades 6-8)
- Board Game Club (Grades 4-8)
- Cougar Council (Grades 4-6)
- Spirit Council (Grades 4-6)
- Good News Club (Grades 4-6) Note: This is not an activity of Clearwood Jr. High or the school system.
Specific school requirements for each activity (clubs and athletics) are kept on file. Participants must have proof of insurance for all school–sponsored clubs and athletic teams.
Hall Pass/Leaving Class
School Uniforms
School uniforms are required of all Clearwood students.
Bottoms: Tan Khaki shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers, and pants. Bottoms must be fingertip length, with no frayed hems or holes. Leggings worn under uniform items must be solid Navy or Gray.
Tops: Solid Navy or Gray Collared Shirts
Collared or polo style shirts with or without the CJH logo, long or short sleeve.
The current PTA spirit shirt may only be worn on Friday's and designated spirit days. This is not to be worn as a uniform shirt.
Shoes: To promote student safety, shoes must have a back or use a strap.
Outerwear: Outerwear worn inside the school building should be either Navy or Gray. Other forms of outerwear are permitted for use in inclement weather while outside. A uniform shirt must be worn under all hoodies and jackets at all times including CJH outerwear. Unreasonably over-sized pullover jackets and sweatshirts are not allowed. Sweatshirts and jackets with names and logos from other local schools will not be permitted. Hoods are not to be worn in the school building.
All hats, caps, bandanas, stocking caps, hoods, etc. are banned from the school campus during school hours.
Please visit the St. Tammany Parish website for more information on school dress code policies.
Student ID Policy
All students are required to wear student IDs. They will be used for service in the cafeteria, library, and for access to St. Tammany Parish School Bus transportation. Student IDs also provide a measure of security and help identify students on our school campus.
Students will receive an ID at the opening of school.
- If a student does not have his/her ID when they arrive to school, then he/she can do the following:
A. Come to the table set up outside the cafeteria door and buy a Temporary ID for $1.00.
B. If a student reaches a $3 temporary ID balance, then they will receive a 30-minute detention after school on the following Tuesday or Thursday.
C. If given a detention, the student has until the morning of the assigned detention to remove their balance to the table outside of the cafeteria, and the detention will be removed.
D. If the balance is not received prior to 1st hour on the day of the assigned detention, the
detention stands.
- If they cannot find their ID, then they will have to purchase a new ID for $5.00. 2nd replacement is $5.00. Third replacement is $10.00.
- IDs cannot be defaced in any manner. This includes, but is not limited to, placing stickers on the ID, marking out any part of the ID (words or picture) with pen or permanent marker.
- IDs will be worn above the waist on a clip or on an appropriate lanyard at all times on school campus. IDs must be worn on the outermost garment.
- If a student does not have his/her ID and fails to get one before 8:25, then he/she will report to the front office with a minor infraction form and will need to pay for a temporary ID as noted above. Failure to have an ID when school starts is a minor infraction and will be recorded with the office to follow minor infraction discipline policies.
- If the ID is lost during the school day, then students will report to the front office to purchase a temporary one for $1.00.
Athletic Activities, Dances, Other School Functions
"No Go List"
Students who meet any of the following criteria will not be allowed to attend the next school dance or possibly, other non-academic school functions. List starts over with the beginning of the new nine weeks. (This does not include the 8th grade picnic. See 8th Grade Picnic Eligibility Letter sent home at the beginning of the year).
- In-school support during the 9 weeks of the activity/event
- Out of school suspension during the 9-week period of the activity
- Exclusion
School Events and Athletic Activities
Athletic Eligibility Criteria (Grades Seven and Eight Only)
- Students must have a copy of a recent physical signed by a physician (valid for one calendar year) before tryouts.
- Students must be under the age of fifteen years or have turned fifteen after September 1.
- Students must have at least a 1.5 GPA and no more than one (1) F.
- Students are expected to perform a battery of skills suitable for the sport for which they are trying out.
- Students are expected to be at all tryouts with the exception of an excused absence.
- In order to participate in athletics, students are required to have proof of insurance – either school or private. If the insurance is through a private agency, then the students must provide the name of the insurance company and the policy number.
Over the years, Clearwood Junior High has developed a reputation for academic achievement as well as for exceptionally well-behaved students.
- Our philosophy of discipline is to provide as much positive reinforcement as possible to each child.
- Develop Leadership traits through the 7 Habits from the Leader in Me.
- Our student behavior management program is designed to deter negative behavior and to promote positive behavior.
Refer to the current edition of the St. Tammany Parish School Board’s Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records for specific violations and types of disciplinary action taken for each category of offense.
Leader in Me (The 7 Habits)
We will be implementing Leader in Me. This evidenced-based model builds leadership and life skills, creates a high-trust culture, and lays the foundation for sustained achievement. An emphasis will be placed upon the 7 habits of Highly Effective People to include:
- Habit 1: Be Proactive (You're in Charge)
- Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind (Have a Plan)
- Habit 3: Put First Things First (Work First, Then Play)
- Habit 4: Think Win-Win (Everyone Can Win)
- Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood (Listen Before You Talk)
- Habit 6: Synergize (Together Is Better)
- Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (Balance Feels Best)
Positive Behavior Intervention Support
- PBIS School-wide Expectations
- School-wide Positive Behavior Support Incentives
- Discipline Support Procedures/Classroom Expectations
- Administrative Discipline Support Plan for Minor Offenses
- Use of Cell Phone or Electronic Device
- Bullying
- Statement of the St. Tammany Parish School Board on Sexual Harassment
- Title I Parents' Right to Know
The Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) program is a state-mandated program designed to teach and support appropriate behaviors within each school. Our PBIS committee is comprised of teachers, parents, and students whose purpose is to design lessons and create supporting activities that teach school expectations and campus rules. The committee also develops various incentives and reinforcement programs to reward or recognize students for meeting these expectations and rules. Furthermore, the committee addresses discipline issues throughout the school using referral data, information from teachers and staff, and administrative concerns.
PBIS School-wide Expectations
School-wide Positive Behavior Support Incentives
Discipline Support Procedures/Classroom Expectations
The teachers of Clearwood Junior High, in order to teach unhindered by disruption, have the authority to discipline the students. Teachers will post in the classroom rules designed to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning. Students are expected to remain engaged in instruction and must refrain from disruptive or distracting activities, this includes bottle flipping, fidget spinners, noise makers, etc.
The following are consequences and/or interventions when students violate the rules of the classroom:
- Warning
- Phone Call
- Loss of privileges
- Seating changes
- Being temporarily sent, with assignments, to another classroom.
- Teacher detention not to exceed thirty minutes (unless authorized by the principal).
- Referral (Prior to referral to office, the teacher will have contacted the parent regarding the issue.)
- Serious infractions such as fighting, profanity, threats, use or possession of prohibited items, etc., will be handled by the administration.
- Cumulative minor infractions can result in serious disciplinary action, including suspension.
The following guidelines will be adhered to in implementing the teacher discipline support plan:
- All teachers will follow the Positive Behavior Support plan.
- All students will be disciplined fairly and consistently.
- The teacher is responsible for the first line of communication with the parent by phone, conference or email.
- Non-compliance of a student with any step of the PBIS plan will automatically advance the student to the next step of the plan.
Administrative Discipline Support Plan for Minor Offenses
The Administrator handling discipline will follow a stepped plan during the school year. (Note: Upon being referred by a teacher to the administrator, the student will have already been disciplined by the teacher unless a major offense occurs. See above in the teacher's discipline plan.)
- 1st Offense: Warning
- 2nd Offense: Student reprimand, parent contact and/or conference, and/or possible detention;
- 3rd Offense: Student reprimand, parent contact and/or conference, and/or possible detention;
- 4th Offense: On the 4th minor infraction, teachers will submit a minor infraction form with parent contact dates with a referral to the office for administrative review which may result in discipline
- Major offenses shall be acted upon at once, and some form of suspension will be used.
If you have questions regarding the teacher discipline support plan or administrative discipline support plan, please do not hesitate to contact the administration.
Use of Cell Phone or Electronic Device
Cell phone or other electronic devices (including ipods, smartwatches, MP3 players, air pods, and earbuds) are not to be visible or in use.
Any student seen using a cell phone (calling, texting, gaming, video, or pictures) or any other form of electronic device will have their device taken away and an appropriate consequence will be issued. A parent or guardian must come to school and request the device from an administrator. In some cases, depending on the use of the phone, further discipline may result. Cell phones or any electronic devices are not permitted in restrooms/locker rooms under any circumstances.
- If phone is in use:
1st offense: Admin Detention 2nd offense: Admin. Detention 3rd offense: 1-day ISS
- If phone is visible and not in use:
1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: Admin. Detention 3rd offense: 1-day ISS
Bullying is a form of aggression, and it occurs when a person(s) willfully subjects another person (victim) to an intentional, unwanted, and unprovoked, hurtful verbal and/or physical action(s) at any school site or school-sponsored activity or event.
Bullying may also occur as various forms of hazing, including initiation rites perpetuated against a student or member of a team.
Examples of types of bullying may include, but not limited to, the following:
- Physical bullying includes, but is not limited to punching, shoving, poking, strangling, hair pulling, beating, kicking, or excessive tickling.
- Verbal bullying includes, but is not limited to, such acts as malicious name calling, teasing, or gossip.
- Emotional (psychological) bullying includes, but is not limited to, rejecting, wronging, extorting, defaming, humiliating, black-mailing, diminishing personal characteristics (such as race, disability, ethnicity or perceived sexual orientation), manipulating friendships, isolating, or ostracizing.
- Sexual bullying includes, but is not limited to, many of the actions proceeding as well as exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual propositioning, abuse involving actual physical contact, or sexual assault.
- Cyber-bullying includes web-based bullying or bullying using any form of electronic media.
Personnel at all levels are responsible for taking corrective action to prevent bullying at any school sites or activities. Allegations of bullying will be promptly investigated, giving due regard to the need for confidentiality and the safety of the alleged victim and/or any individual(s) who reported incident(s) of bullying. An individual has the right to report an incident(s) of bullying without fear of reprisal or retaliation at any time. Retaliation is defined as meaning "to pay back (an injury) in kind." When a person is accused of having behaved in an inappropriate fashion, especially bullying, the common reaction of that person is to be angry and want to pay the "alleged victim" back (retaliate). Retaliation must not occur and will not be tolerated. Proven allegations of bullying can have serious consequences for the person deemed guilty, including verbal and written reprimand, in-school or out-of-school suspension, disciplinary reassignment, and/or expulsion.
Victims of bullying have responsibilities. Victims should clearly tell the bullies to stop. If bullying persists, then victims should not ignore the incident(s) but should report immediately the incident to someone at school. Students should tell their parent(s). If the bullying continues after having clearly told the bully or bullies to stop, then students should make a written record of the incident including dates, times, witness, or witnesses, and parties involved in the incident. The incident should be reported immediately to an adult who has authority over the bullies, for example, a teacher, guidance counselor, assistant principal, or principal. Victims should avoid being alone with the person(s) who attempted to bully them in the past. Victims of bullying who feel uncomfortable reporting this fact to adult personnel at school should contact another appropriate adult or friend who will report on their behalf.
To minimize the risk of being accused of bullying, students should keep their hands to themselves, remember that no one has the right to harm another person in any way, think before speaking, immediately apologize for accidentally saying or doing anything that has made another person feel oppressed, and report all incidents of bullying behavior they have witnessed to appropriate school personnel. Students should not touch anyone without his or her permission. Students should not interact with a person after that person has perceived their behavior toward them as "inappropriate" and has clearly told them to "stop". Nor should they make remarks that may cause another person to feel "oppressed" (stressful, scared, and intimidated).
Statement of the St. Tammany Parish School Board on Sexual Harassment
"The purpose of the St. Tammany Parish School Board is to provide public education for the school-aged children of St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. Sexual harassment is a violation of the law and School Board policy and will not be tolerated, condoned, or overlooked. The Board requests and encourages persons associated with the school system who believe there are acts of harassment to be reported to the school principal or designee."
"The Board through the school principal shall promptly, thoroughly, and fairly, investigate reports of sexual harassment and take appropriate action that is consistent with the results of the investigation and the legal requirements afforded by law. Inappropriate behavior will be handled according to the school's discipline procedures."
"The School System and Board will not tolerate retaliation by anyone associated with the School System against one who files a complaint of sexual harassment."
"Some acts of sexual harassment are considered criminal and are subject to prosecution. The Board and School System will fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies and the District Attorney in investigating and prosecuting such criminal offenses."
Reporting of incidents needs to be made to the Principal of your child's school. A copy of the policy is available in every school library.
Title I Parents' Right to Know
St. Tammany Parish Public Schools Title I Parents’ Right to Know
St. Tammany Parish Public School System believes that Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) is important for children to achieve success. Parents and families are key partners with the schools. PFE includes programs, services, and activities at the school and district level.
District Responsibilities
- Involve families in developing and reviewing the district's PFE Plan
- Hold yearly Federal Programs, PFE Stakeholders’, and PFE activity planning meetings
- Support STPPS Title I schools in planning and carrying out their PFE activities
- Annually review and monitor PFE activities and school-wide programs outlined in the School Improvement Plans
- Provide a Title I PFE resource page and presentations for school personnel use
- Develop Title I PFE survey to evaluate PFE plans and use results to plan future PFE programs and adjust PFE policies and procedures
School Responsibilities
- Invite parents to a school meeting highlighting their school's educational programs, curriculum, and PFE opportunities
- Offer PFE activities at various times which support learning goals at home
- Involve parents in the planning, review, and implementation of PFE programs
- Provide parents with timely information about the school PFE policy
- Provide families with opportunities to volunteer, participate, and observe in the school and classroom
- Maintain 2-way communication with families
- Provide each student with the Compact for Student Success outlining responsibilities of students, parents, and teachers in the educational process
- Support all students in their effort to achieve success